Improved Menu, Album Auto-Arrange and Customisable Contact Page

10/02/2010 - 10:45
We have added 3 new features in the past couple of days which provide more flexibility to your site.

Improved Menu Options

You can now link directly to individual albums and page section pages (ie: a blog post)  from your main menu. This will allow users to go directly to those pages without the need of browsing through your gallery or main page section.

You can also add links to external web pages or other websites.

This features can be found under Layout > Website Menu.

Album Auto-Arrange

Do you have an album which contains hundreds of photos and don't want to spend the time dragging and dropping each photo in an order. Now you can use the new auto-arrange feature to automatically arrange your album's photos by photo title or upload date.

This feature is available by going to Gallery and click on an album. Then scroll down to your album's photos.

Customisable Contact Page

Does your contact page need to include more information such as address, telephone number or a map? You can now add this information into your contact page and choose the layout of the contact page.

You can do this by going to Pages > Contact Page

Try out these new features and let us know what you think!


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